Sunday, 16 December 2012



At Istanbul March 2012
At Cappadocia March 2012
At Penang December 2012
Christmas is a time of giving and sharing. It is a great joy for all of us to be in the position to and also willing to share our joy and peace with those loved ones who are around us and abroad, our friends and neighbours, our community, and those who are less fortunate than us. Let us carry on sharing God’s love and blessings with each other and especially those who are in need. Do remember the Anglican Care which is a diocesan caring department which covers a whole range of social services from children homes, food for the hungry, soup kitchens, people with disabilities, people who are visually, physically and mentally challenged, senior citizen homes, etc. Of course, we should not forget the needs of the rural villages and kampungs of the Anglican Village Ministries and the Orang Asli ministry.

We can hear many Malaysians talking about and guessing of the date of the 13th General Election of the nation especially in the kopitiams and after church services and at mamak stalls. Many believe that this GE is a watershed and may mark the transformation of the nation permanently. We wish to pray that the Christmas Joy and Peace shall prevail among the different parties of the nation. Many believe that the Lord has placed our nation in a very special position within the region of South East Asia and beyond for a purpose – a giver of Joy and Peace. We seek your constant prayers. A group of concerned Christians has set aside the 24 – 26 January 2013 as the 3 days of fasting to discern God’s direction for our nation. Let us also bring our nation to God Almighty in prayers.

At the end of July 2012, we have moved into the newly completed Rumah Bishop in Ampang. It is a huge building but there are only two of us while Joshua and Sarah are in Singapore, and Charlotte in Texas. Joshua is presently working as an IT Officer, Sarah is planning for her marriage and not working yet, and Charlotte is doing her final year in Texas. Bisfe Siew Lan is very busy with her Malaysian Indigenous Clinical Pastoral Education (MICPE) and Theological Education by Extension (TEE) courses. I am as usual running around visiting churches and attending diocesan, national and provincial meetings.

The diocese is growing steadily though not without challenges. Praise the Lord for the number of non stipendiary workers and ministers who have answered the Call of God to ministry over the last five years. The number of full-time workers being trained is still coming in slowly. We thank God for the encouraging response of many lay people who have attended the Lay Pastors and Lay Readers Schools. The third stage that the diocese is moving towards is the Discipleship Training. We have begun this year with the Introductory to Discipleship Training and we will bring this Introductory Seminar to the regional level for next year. Hopefully we can begin the full Discipleship Training seminar in 2014 and eventually to see many disciples of Jesus Christ who can transform the church and the nation.

Wishing you all a very blessed and meaningful Christmas and New Year!

May the Almighty God continue to lead and guide you in His footsteps daily!

Shalom                                                                                                                Christmastide 2012

The Son of God became the Son of Man
so that the sons of man can become sons of God.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Thanksgiving Sunday 2012


Some people remarked “What is such a big deal over Thanksgiving Sunday?” I hope this is not a rejection or denial of our thanks to Almighty God. We can actually give thanks to God anytime and anywhere we like and wish. In order to give thanks to God collectively as a church and as a gathered people of God is something special and necessary. In fact every Sunday is a thanksgiving and celebrative worship service. It is important for us not to reduce the Sunday thanksgiving and celebrative worship service only into a preaching session or a singspirational session or a fellowshipping session. The 5 dimensional worship appraisal must be fully celebrated and participated, namely, the Ministry of Praise (through songs, music and psalms); the Ministry of the Word (through reading and preaching of the Word); the Ministry of Prayers (through intercession, confession and absolution); the Ministry of Eucharist (through the consecration of the sacrament of Holy Communion and the offering of gifts); the Ministry of Blessings (the blessing of one another through the sharing of peace and the blessing from God).

A Thanksgiving Sunday is purposely designed to magnify the gratitude of hearts and the collective offerings of gifts and expressions to God Almighty. It must be done seriously, celebratively, joyously, willingly, wholeheartedly, reflectively and after close examination of oneself before God. It is at this Annual Thanksgiving Sunday that one normally gives his very best to Almighty God with special efforts. It should be more than the normal Sunday thanksgiving and celebrative service. It is the climax of the usual thanksgiving.
How should we use the Thanksgiving Sunday? I have suggested a few probable actions here.

1.       Like in the OT, we can give an annual tithe to God for the priests and Levites as an expression for God’s spiritual coverage. (Deut 14:22)
2.       Like in the OT, we can give an annual tithe to God for the celebration of God’s people as a redeemed people of God. (Deut 14:24-27) This is over and above the normal tithe.
3.       Like in the OT, we can give a tithe once in three years to be distributed to the poor and less fortunate one, thanking God as the Master Designer and Creator of all people and this world. (Deut 14:28-30; 26:12) This is done once in three years which is over and above (1) and (2).[1]
4.       To forgive any and everyone who has hurt or caused you trouble, as the Lord has forgiven us.
5.       To pray and bless all those who bless us and also all those who didn’t bless us, even those who curse us.
6.       To take to heart the Word and teachings of God and do them wholeheartedly.
7.       To invite God back into our lives, families, careers, social and physical lives and be Lord.

Let God be God and Lord of our lives again by adhering to His commands and precepts.
To God be the Glory! Amen!

Bishop Moon Hing                                                                                               6 October 2012

[1] I know some people may disagree with this interpretation. Please read the scripture for yourselves and decide. One tithe is already hard to practice, let alone three.